These are the cards that add additional, usually recon cards to a Command Card Deck. In some cases they have been modified to note uses with SS units, They include Panzer Pioneer Platoon (for SS), Armoured Flak Half-Tracks, Machine-Gun Nests, PAKFRONT, Old Minefields, Dug-in Panzer IV Platoon (for SS), Own Goal, Screaming Meemies, 8.8cm Assault Flak, 8.8cm Tank-Hunter, Brummbar (for SS), and Tiger Ace (for SS) These cards are basically the same as in the D-Day German Command Card deck.

I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone actually use the Softskin Card, but as with all Command Card decks it is here. I’ll break the cards down into the following five groups Standards, Same as D-Day Germans, New Formations, Special Formation Upgrades, and finally Heroes. This might be the best part, as it is with the command cards that one can really flavor a list. Mitch Reed has already provided an excellent overview of the D-Day Waffen SS Book for NDNG, so it falls on me to review the Command Cards for this new Flames of War Late War book.